T3 Innovation PLR600 Power Prowler Review

  • Posted on: 13 January 2015
  • By: Sam

Today I will be discussing the T3 Innovation PLR600 Power Prowler. This unit is really three units in one as it has a 600V Digital Multimeter, Fault Locator, and a Live Event Detection Function. The Digital Multimeter function of the PLR600 will measure AC/DC Volts up to 600V and measure Resistance. It also has an audible signal for Continuity. The Fault Locator is designed to give a quick picture of the network with existing faults and condition of the cable. T3 Innovation uses Spread Spectrum Time Domain Reflectometry (SSTDR) to give an accurate length measurement as well as distances to shorts and opens. If an intermittent issue is the problem of the day the T3 Innovation PLR600 Power Prowler does allow for live event detection. This mode is one you set up and can leave the instrument to log what it finds. If it finds any event it will give you the time it occurred and the distance down the line. The PLR600 is proudly Made in the USA with a beautiful color display and the menu is easy to navigate to boot. How often do you run up against intermittent problems that this device would be of interest to you?

Cheers and Happy Testing,


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