Armada Pro871C Review - The Underground Cable Locator

  • Posted on: 24 March 2014
  • By: Sam

Functionality and Ease of Use are two very important qualities to consider when you are in the market for an underground cable locator. Armada Technologies covers all these bases with their versatile Pro871C Underground Cable Locator.

The Armada Pro871C are very simple tools to set up and use. Armada has a great instruction video, which can be found here, for this product that goes through the setup process as well as how to use the product in great detail. The video really demonstrates just how easy this product is to use, even for people with no prior experience.

The setup is very intuitive and the unit has very few buttons and configurations that eliminate confusion for the end user. Simply put, you put the batteries in and connect the color coded leads to the transmitter and you are ready to locate. The Pro871C Underground Cable Locator offers many features that really give these products a bang for the buck. These locators offer a high and low frequency setting to give you the range you need to track different types of cable.

The Pro871C also includes an inductive clamp for those times when you cannot directly connect to the cable you are trying to locate. This makes them ideal for locating many varieties of cables including, but not limited to, landscaping, telephone, CATV, and electrical cabling. They also offer peak and null reception modes. The Peak mode will transmit a signal that gets louder the closer you are to the cable and will have a “Peak” noise level when you are over the cable. The Null mode will have no signal when it is directly over the cable.

Hopefull you found this small primer to be helpful.

As always, Cheers and Happy Testing,


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