
Byte Brother LVPRO3 Cable and Device Tester

  • Posted on: 21 May 2013
  • By: Sam

Hello all,

     Today I will be discussing the Byte Brothers LVPRO3 Cable and Device Tester. Going into this assignment, I will be honest, I didn’t know much about this tester, but after doing my research, I have come to be a big fan. This tester crams up to 14 different test apps into one unit that can handle just about any job you throw at it.

First things first, let’s get the essentials out of the way,

You Can Upgrade Alnor EBT721 to new EBT731

  • Posted on: 20 May 2013
  • By: Mark

New balometer from Alnor gives you many cool features, such as detachable digital micromanometer (product main testing panel) with intuitive menus, Bluetooth bi-directional communications, built-in duct traverse applications and many plug-and-play optional probes.  It comes also with multi-language capability, so you can show off your skills, when you meet you buddies.  All those great features and detachable digital micromanometer are available to proud owners of EBT721, and older version

Extech EX330 and the Multimeter Shootout

  • Posted on: 15 May 2013
  • By: Brady

In the world of test meters you want to get the most bang for your buck; lots of features and high performance that still fits your budget. Dave Jones of the popular EEVBlog recently put a group of multimeters in a similar price range (Extech EX330, Amprobe AM-220, Elenco M-2625, Global Specialties Pro-50, and Vichy VC99) to the test and one meter came out clearly as the top dog. Drum roll please… Extech EX330!


Testo 875-1 vs. 875i-2 Review - The Testo Thermal Imager Comparison

  • Posted on: 10 May 2013
  • By: Brady

Hey everyone, today’s post is going to take a look at the improvements the Testo 875i-2 makes over the Testo 875-1. The Testo 875i-2 is simply an upgraded model in the same family, so outwardly these cameras are going to look the same but once you get under the hood you’ll find the superior features that make the 875i-2 top of the line.
