
Tramex Concrete Moisture Meters Review

  • Posted on: 12 May 2017
  • By: Sam

I imagine most people see concrete slabs and don’t give them any thought. On the surface, no pun intended, they seem relatively straight forward. Concrete is mixed and poured and a day later it is hard and you put a house on top of it. Anyone who deals with concrete understands there is a lot more going on. As the title would allude to, this post will cover different testing procedures to ensure concrete is sufficiently cured before installation of a flooring system. This is done to reduce the failure of the flooring system (i.e. delamination, blistering, peeling, staining or sweating).

Tramex MEP Review - The Moisture Encounter Plus Non-Invasive Wood/Timber, Drywall/Roofing, and Plaster/Brick Moisture Tester

  • Posted on: 28 April 2014
  • By: Brady

Hello all. Today we’re going to have a look at a very interesting little meter - the Tramex MEP Moisture Encounter Plus. The Tramex MEP uses a pretty interesting process to take non-destructive moisture readings in surfaces like Wood, drywall, tile, roofing, masonry, brick, and plaster - to name a few.