tramex cme4

Tramex Concrete Moisture Meters Review

  • Posted on: 12 May 2017
  • By: Sam

I imagine most people see concrete slabs and don’t give them any thought. On the surface, no pun intended, they seem relatively straight forward. Concrete is mixed and poured and a day later it is hard and you put a house on top of it. Anyone who deals with concrete understands there is a lot more going on. As the title would allude to, this post will cover different testing procedures to ensure concrete is sufficiently cured before installation of a flooring system. This is done to reduce the failure of the flooring system (i.e. delamination, blistering, peeling, staining or sweating).

Tramex CME4 Concrete Moisture Meter Encounter

  • Posted on: 18 April 2014
  • By: Sam

Tramex is a specialized company that has been producing Moisture Meters for 30 years. For this reason they are leaders in the field of Moisture detection for Concrete. The Tramex CME4 Concrete Moisture Encounter is a great product for non-destructive impedance measurement. This unit is equipped with spring loaded electrodes on the base to ensure an even contact with the surface for a more accurate reading.